Cane Toad and Tick Poisonic dog's - Preventing Helps -
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Cane Toad - Tick Poisonic

Bare Hut-01
Cane Toad Poisoning & Tick Poisoning!!

Be aware of!
Paralysis ticks-Icon-03
Wood Stick-02

<--We are the bad Guys!

     This is NOT a Toad --->
    And I am a nice Green Frog-->
Gruener Frosch
Cane Toad's -Poisoned
Cane Toad Poisoning! BUFO MARINUS SP

These toads are capable of producing a potent toxin in their large, warty, paired parotid glands. The glands are roughly oval in shape, situated behind the border of the tympanum, and extend backward over the shoulders. Numerous pinhole openings can be seen on the surface skin of these glands from which a thick, pasty, yellow-white toxin can be manually expressed. The threat of this potent toxin to animals mouthing the toads in Queensland (Australia) is very real.
The lethargic hopping of the awkward toad will often attract dogs at dusk when other kinds of activities are minimal. These dogs will grasp the toad in their mouths, causing compression of the toad's parotid glands and expression of the toxin. Absorption of the toxin through the dog's mouth and stomach mucous apparently is quite rapid, resulting in a variety of symptoms that may culminate in death.
The dog that mouths a toad will exhibit variable symptoms depending upon its age, concurrent disease, amount of toxin absorbed in relation to its total body weight, and length of time since exposure; the signs range from slight salivation to cyanosis (blue gums) and convulsive seizures, and heart attack. Obviously many other conditions could be confused with toad poisoning, and a history of having seen the dog mouth a toad will be sufficient evidence in a
sick animal to warrant initiation of immediate anti-toad-poisoning therapy. Don't wait to see if the dog improves it usually won't- it will progressively get worse.
( Do not hesitate to contact your vet. !)

Owners need to be aware that the best first aid measure they can do for their dog is to hold its mouth down and dry the mouth with a paper towel, than run the hose at a slow rate in the side of the mouth to wash out most of the toxin. This should be done for 5-10 minutes. In the meantime, someone else should phone the nearest vet to warn him/her of the incident. If caught early enough, most dogs will survive this poisoning.

Wood Stick-00

Bee aware of Tried Cane Toads (dead) lying on road!

Are dried cane toads still poisoners for your dog (pets?) in short yes definitely in any way shape or form.  No matter how dry the cane toad is and how old if your dog finds it and takes it in its mouth and possibly even chews on it, it can get very sick or in some cases even die. The poison of the cane toad is called (bufotoxin) and affects the brain, heart and courses hallucinogen. When the cane toad feels threatened (like a dogs chasing it or trying to play with it), it squirts out a poison from its enlarged parotid glands behind the eyes and other glands across its back therefor it makes the whole toad skin and all poisoners the only thing that might save your dog is wipe its mouth out with a dry towel and go to the vet as fast as you can.
If you find any dead or even dried up cane toads please dispose of them by placing them in a rubbish bag and putting them in the bin, you can bury them in the ground but you have to dig deep so that your dog can not dig them up again.
Toads like all amphibians love water so please do not leave your dog’s water bowl with or without water outside on the ground at night in case a toad goes in the water because that water will then be poisoners, wash out and fill your dog’s water bowl fresh every day.

Dog Taze Black-9
Bee aware of Cane Toads!
Help is on the way-->
Finger button click on!
just a bar-00

Tick Poisoning! By Ian Haddon

The tick season this year is still with us, and looks like going through until the end of summer at least.
The Paralysis Tick becomes a problem in rural areas during August, so care must be taken to ensure that your dogs are inspected daily - morning and evening. Regular dipping helps, but seems to be effective only about 4 to 5 days.
Favourite Spots:
The most common areas where ticks will attach to your dog are the head, ears (inside and out), around the mouth and inside the lips, down the neck to the chest and under and around the front legs. Another spot that can be missed is the pads of their feet and between their toes.
All these spots seem to be favourite places for the tick to attach themselves.
It has been found that there are fewer traumas if you first kill the tick while it is still attached by applying kerosene or any of the tick rinses. With a cotton bud, apply direct onto the tick, wait until the tick is dead and then remove by gripping the tick by the head with a pair of tweezers.

What to look for:
Ticks are not easily detected in their first stages of attachment, and can be on the dogs for 6 to 8 hours before they can be felt. Even at this stage they may only be half the size of a match-head, but they can still make the dog very ill and in some cases can kill.
The tick is dark blue in the early stages, and when it is full appears a blue-grey colour.
Symptoms include the dog being unsteady on its feet, unusually drowsy, shaking its head, vomiting or coughing.
Once the tick is removed and any of the above symptoms persist, the dog must be attended by your vet immediately. Don't wait to see if the dog improves, because it usually won’t - it will progressively get worse!

The serum injection can make a dog quite ill and can do so for up to 48 hours. The dog may take a week to fully recover. Do not give food or water to the affected dog as it may vomit and choke.
A couple of ice cubes in a bowl can be placed with the dogs for them to lick 12 hours after the serum is given. As treatment tends to make dogs thirsty and in bad cases intravenous fluids may be necessary, even oxygen.
The dog must be kept very quiet, away from noise and kept cool. Try a small amount of food 24 to 36 hours after treatment if the dog has responded, but check with your vet first! If you have a pregnant bitch that has come down with a tick, is likely that she will abort the puppies within a couple of days of receiving the serum. On the bright side, some dogs are immune to the tick and show very little ill-effects from their toxin.

More Information please here:-->

Dog Taze Black-98


Disclaimer: The information provided in this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for sound health care advice. We are not liable for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any information, suggestions, presented .Always consult a qualified Vet health care professional in all meters pertaining to your dogs (pet’s) physical emotional and mental health.
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